Friday, March 27, 2015

How To Hit The 'Reset' Button If Your Mother/Daughter Dynamic Is Messed Up (VIDEO)

Amber, 24, says her mom Julie failed her as a parent. "At this point, I am through with her unless I see some drastic change but I don't think she's capable of doing that," says Amber, who claims she suffered years of verbal, emotional and physical abuse.

But Julie says she's never laid a hand on Amber — except in self-defense — and that her daughter tends to play the victim. "She just doesn't seem to want to own up to anything," says Julie. "We're all wrong sometimes. I don't know why she can't just step up and say, 'I screwed up.'"

Watch the video above as Dr. Phil draws comparisons between the two women — a symmetry that may help them move forward and bury the hatchet.

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