Monday, June 29, 2015

Firefighters share survival story from diving trip

Three Opelika, Alabama firefighters are sharing the story of their 12-hour ordeal in the ocean off the coast of Pensacola, Florida after trouble occurred during a scuba diving trip. Bryan Densel, Michael Bass and Jeff Thompson became separated from their boat because of a storm and had to deal with 10 foot waves, dehydration, hypothermia and the possibility of sharks. They didn’t give up but they also thought they were not getting out of this adventure alive., GA News Weather

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Elizabeth White, WTVM-TV:

“We went down the anchor rope, we got disoriented and away from the anchor rope. We didn’t go far but the water clouded up so fast,” he
When the divers surfaced, the current had carried them 300 yards from their boat. After several hours of hard swimming, the three men couldn’t overcome the current and get back to their vessel.

So they banded together and began praying.  They focused on their families and not the sharks.

“I felt a few bumps on my tank and I got nudged a few times, but like I said mentally the two things we were thinking about were our families and we also focused on not thinking about sharks,” he said.

Read entire story here

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