Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Austin City Official Who Planned Sexist Training Resigns

A city official in Austin, Texas, responsible for organizing a training for city employees to learn how to work with women has resigned.

Assistant City Manager Anthony Snipes submitted his resignation this week, and it was confirmed Tuesday by his boss, City Manager Marc Ott, in a memo to the mayor and City Council.

In March, with women making up the majority of the City Council for the first time, Snipes invited two speakers to instruct city employees on strategies to deal with female leaders.

One of the speakers, Jonathan K. Allen, presented a laundry list of advice based on female stereotypes, from "women ask lots of questions," to "women don't want to deal with numbers" and "women act on emotions."

"You see women in leadership positions ... you will have to interact with them in a different way," he said.

After many media outlets, including The Huffington Post, reported on the outrageous training earlier this month, Ott apologized for the training and called Allen's remarks "disappointing and unexpected."

"I have to acknowledge that this particular training should have received proper vetting. I must take responsibility for that not having occurred," he said in a statement to The Huffington Post.

Shortly after, Ott launched an internal investigation and placed Snipes on administrative leave. The full results of the investigation are expected to be released later this week, according to the Austin American-Statesman. Allen and the other speaker, management consultant Miya Burt-Stewart, have also apologized for their remarks at the training.

Watch the video above.

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