Thursday, May 28, 2015

Stockton Continuation High School named 2015 Model List

Back in March, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced the designation of 29 Model Continuation High Schools in the state.

In short terms, continuation schools are available to students who may have been at risk of not graduating. Some find being in a high school don’t exactly fit their needs. Class sizes are smaller. Educators are more personal.

One of these schools, located right in Stockton is Sture Larsson, a campus with 150 students on 1813 McClellan Way was featured on this list. Principal Phyllis Kahl, who has been at the school for 13 years, is set to retire next month. This also isn’t the first time Larsson has been named a Model Continuation school, it happened once before back in 2011.

But don’t think for a second these students who attend a continuation high school are all bad and rotten.

“What we really work to do is overcome the stigma that comes with a continuation and alternative program,” Kahl said. “All the kinds of community service and activities we do with our kids in the district helps the community realize that kids that go here aren’t ‘those kids.’ They’re great kids.”

Check The Record tomorrow morning for more on Kahl and her students at Sture Larsson and what’s in store for the future.

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