Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dash-cam video shows police officer rescuing man from house fire

Dash-cam video from the New Mexico’s Los Alamos Police Department showing Corporal James Keane leading efforts to rescue a man trapped in a house fire May 15 in Tsikamu Village. According to news reports, Cpl. Keane spotted the smoke while on patrol.

Los Alamos Monitor:

“Cpl. Keane then proceeded to the residence and located a two Los Alamos citizens that had breached a raised glass door trying to gain access to a 57 year old male that was still inside the residence,” said a press release from the LAPD today. “Cpl. Keane radioed that person(s) were inside the residence.”

According to the video, Keane entered the building and aided Nat Farnham, one of the residents of the home, to the edge of a glass doorway where he and other nearby residents helped pull Farnham out.

NM Los Alamos house fire rescue 5-15-15

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