Friday, May 22, 2015

Customers At New Orleans Restaurant Given Receipt With Racial Slur: 'N----r 100% Dislike'

A restaurant in New Orleans says it’s “shocked and appalled” after a receipt from the establishment bearing a racial slur began circulating on social media.

An image of the itemized receipt from Huck Finn’s Cafe, dated May 21, shows the words “n----r 100% dislike” typed beneath an order for a Thin Catfish Platter. It was uploaded to Facebook on Thursday by a woman who claims her daughter was one of the individuals given the receipt.

A woman told that she had been at the restaurant for lunch with three co-workers when they received the receipt. She said the server who was responsible for the slur was not fired “on the spot.”

Huck Finn's Cafe insists that it did terminate the server. The restaurant posted a statement on its website Thursday night apologizing for the server’s actions.

Huck Finn's Cafe is shocked and appalled at the actions of one of its employees, who was terminated immediately after management found out they violated company policy. Huck Finn's Cafe is committed to treating everyone, employees and customers alike, with dignity and respect. The unfortunate actions of this one employee do not mirror the mission of Huck Finn's Cafe's firm non-discrimination policy, and we are extremely apologetic for any inconvenience this may have caused.

The restaurant added on Twitter that it is “working around the clock to rectify the situation.” When reached for comment, Huck Finn's told The Times-Picayune that "the business had no further comment."

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