Monday, May 18, 2015

Dash-cam & radio traffic: Command vehicle view of Newark, OH house fire

Dash-cam and radio traffic from David Decker gives us an early look from the command vehicle of a house fire May 9 on Woods Avenue in Newark, Ohio.

Here’s the description with the video:

This is a house fire that we had on May 9th, 2015. The fire was confined to one bedroom with some minor extension into the attic. The house is balloon frame construction which is very typical in Newark.

I missed an good opportunity to order a transitional attack when the first engine arrived. A ten second blast through the front window might have been the key to a quicker knock-down.

The first arriving engine is a mutual-aid company. This is happening more and more in Newark as our on-duty staffing diminishes due to budget issues. The mutual-aid unit done a great job as always, but that isn’t by chance. We work well with our surrounding mutual-aid departments and include them in on our training when possible.

OH Newark house fire Woods Avenue 5-9-15

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